Everything about photography
Nikon 1 V3 mirrorless camera review
I had the opportunity to review the Nikon 1 V3 camera. The Nikon 1 V3 is the latest and greatest Nikon has to offer in the mirrorless camera market. I was looking forward to review this camera for several reasons. Before I bought my Sony Alpha A6000 I used Nikon DSLR cameras since 2005, and I’ve been very fond of the cameras, the ergonomics and the build quality. So I’m very eager to find out if Nikon managed to keep the good from the DSLR’s and put it in a smaller, lighter body. The second reason I was looking forward to using this camera was that I went back and forth between the Nikon 1 V3 and the Sony Alpha A6000 when I wanted to trade my DSLR in for a smaller and lighter camera. I chose the Sony because it was a lot cheaper at that time, but the prices of the Nikon went down since last summer (mind you, the A6000 also got cheaper so the difference is about the same). So I’m wondering if I made the right choice back then: let’s find out!

Sony Alpha A6000 mirrorless camera review
Sony has stirred up the market for the mirrorless cameras by releasing the Sony Alpha A6000. This camera is priced to compete with the mid-range consumer DSLR’s, but has got features that wouldn’t look bad on a high-end consumer DSLR. In this extensive review I’ll tell you more about the Sony Alpha A6000, the features and the great image quality. Click ‘read more’ to read the full review.
Zhongyi Mitakon Speedmaster 50 mm f0.95 review
The full review about the Zhongyi Mitakon Speedmaster 50mm f0.95, the most affordable super fast Sony E-mount lens on sale.
Sony Zeiss Sonnar E 24 mm f 1.8 ZA Review
Sony Zeiss Sonnar E 24 mm f1.8 ZA Review translated to English. Read my review and find out if this premium priced lens is worth it’s hefty pricetag.
Sony Zeiss Vario Tessar T*E 16-70 mm f4 ZA OSS lens Review
Sony Zeiss Vario Tessar T*E 16-70 mm f4 ZA OSS review English translation. Read my review and find out more about this great but expensive lens.
Tenba Shootout 24L foto rugzak review (Dutch)
In deze review vertel ik je meer over de Tenba Shootout 24L camera rugzak. Een High-end, compacte maar ook ruime rugzak. Teba heeft de Shootout serie ontworpen om comfortabel te zijn voor actieve gebruikers die lange wandelingen, citytrips of andere activiteiten plannen en daarbij hun camera mee willen nemen. De 24L is een middelgrote rugzak uit de Shootout serie van Tenba. Van buiten ziet de rugzak er compact uit maar je kunt er een verrassende hoeveelheid spullen in kwijt. De rugzak zit vol met kleine slimme details. De Shootout 24L is zeker geen goedkope rugzak en in deze review probeer ik je te vertellen of hij zijn geld waard is.
DSPTCH wrist strap and sling Review
DSPTCH produces some great upgrades for your mirrorless or compact DSLR camera’s. Their products aren’t cheap, but greatly improve your comfort when you use your… Read More »DSPTCH wrist strap and sling Review
Sony Zeiss Vario Tessar T*E 16-70 mm f4 ZA OSS review [Dutch]
Sony Zeiss Vario Tessar T*E 16-70 mm f4 ZA OSS review. Lees hier meer over deze lens voor een de Sony E-mount. Is deze prijzige lens zijn geld waard?
DSPTCH wrist strap en sling review [Dutch]
Een review van de DSPTCH accessoires voor je systeemcamera of compacte DSLR. Zijn dit de handige producten die je foto-ervaring zullen optimaliseren?